Kim Anh: ‘Some of the most incredible experiences happen after dark.’

‘Tell me what’s on your mind, tell me what’s on your heart. I dare not ask to let me in, but you call me after dark…’

Kim Anh, the queer queen of the NYC nightlife recently dropped her vibey After Dark EP. Giving us Goldfrapp with seduction amped up to eleven, the EP brings together the title-track, ‘Giving’, ‘Recovering’ and our current obsession, ‘House of Virgo.’ Squelchy basslines, shimmery disco moments and Kim Anh singing, ‘come feel my energy.’ Well, it would be rude not to…

Kim Anh, paint a picture for us, where are you right now?
I’m in my studio and I’m surrounded by tall trees. I can see the creek that has reflections of the sky.

Do you feel as equally inspired by club culture and the nightlife making music in the Catskills mountains as when in NYC? Does the vibe of music you create in each space differ?
That’s a good question. One might think that being in the forest inspires more ambient works. It has definitely crossed by mind and my ambient vinyl selection has grown substantially if I’m honest. Being in nature, having more space and little restrictions on how loud or when you want to record is extremely freeing. It created room to tell a story with my music that was uninterrupted. I’ve found that regardless of the setting I end up drawn towards my dance music roots. There is always a thread no matter where I am.

I’m in love with the After Dark EP. What was it that inspired you with the title and the concept?
Thank you! That is so lovely to hear. There were a few factors that inspired the record. Mainly it was being isolated and feeling a longing to dance with everyone again. Some of the most incredible experiences I’ve had have happened after dark. So it seemed quite fitting to create an homage to the night.

I always love how sultry your music is. You always sound totally in control. Was this how you were feeling during quarantine and writing this EP? Or did you have a breakdown moment?
I’ve had plenty of breakdown moments in the pandemic. Speaking of control, it’s been a huge loss of control for the entire world. It was writing the album that gave me purpose and it was the only thing I could have any control over. It became kind of a therapy for me. Releasing your own music can be vulnerable and revealing. I suppose I’ve revealed my sensual self through my music and it feels very empowering.

Writing The House Of Virgo, were you imagining a ballroom-style family? Or a secluded seductive hideaway? Or maybe a combination of the two?!
You are definitely on to something. Music creates a world of fantasy for the listener. But it’s really up to your own interpretation. So yes… you are right.

You’re working on a remix EP too. I’m super-excited to hear Massimiliano Pagliara’s remix. When you commissioned these remixes, was it simply sending across the stems. Or did you have conversations about your thoughts and ideas when writing the originals?
Massi’s remix is incredible and the first time I heard it a tear fell from my eye. It was written in the stars for him to remix that exact track. With each remix artist we had some conversation and whenever possible I allowed the remixer to choose the track they felt most drawn to. However, I don’t believe in telling the artist to make a certain sound. I prefer for them to see what comes up for them and create something that is true to them and what they felt when hearing the music.

With this release you’ve also launched your own label, Can U Not Talk. Was the name a message to yourself about stepping up to launch your own label? Or maybe it was to someone else…?
There are various meanings to the label name if you look closely….I have this peeve about people talking over music. Have you ever gone to hear your favorite DJ and run into someone who insists on talking your ear off and distracting from the main experience? It’s like “Honey I came to live to the music and I’m happy to hear about your latest tea over brunch or coffee, but now is not the time”. Or maybe you’re the person whose friends always ask you for music recommendations but when you put something on at their request, they talk over it. Can U Not Talk is about putting music first. It’s also a bit bossy and a bit cheeky too.

Lastly we are named after the biggest selling single of 2001, so we always ask what is your favourite Mariah Carey track?
This is the most difficult question of this entire interview. I’m also a massive Mariah fan – come on legendary queen! OK so if I have to choose one it would be Make It Happen. It’s giving church, it’s giving the gospel, it’s giving classic house and it’s giving vocal range. It’s musically perfect and it’s spiritually uplifting. I’m particularly obsessed with the live versions – MTV unplugged and Madison Square Garden.