Dream Daddy’s Top 5 memes

We’ve busted our regram app after reposting Dream Daddy‘s memes so much. So we thought, why not just ask him to show us the good stuff. All killer. No filler. 

Why the name Dream Daddy?
I was talking to my good friend who also just recently entered his thirties. He was saying how now that he’s older and wiser he’s holding himself more accountable to reach his goals and taking responsibility. He’s someone I admire a lot so that really struck me and set me off on my own introspective journey. Becoming more disciplined in achieving who I want to be. Not just for myself but to also fill the bucket of those I interact with.

Who is your Dream Daddy?
It’s me but the better version of me. The version of me that’s not self centered, narcissistic, validation seeking or consumed by the outside material world. The me that doesn’t constantly begin sentences with the word ‘I’. The me that doesn’t need to take another selfie.

What is the No1 key to making a good meme?
It has to be relatable to the majority of your audience. Everyone has felt like a fuck up and inadequate at some point of their lives which is why most memes that speak to that are so popular. Pop culture references help too. Spongebob seems to be pretty effective.

We’re half-way through Season One of Sailor Moon. Without giving too much away, what is your favourite Sailor Moon moment?
Definitely when Uranus and Neptune were introduced! Uranus was blatantly queer and that left an impression on 12 year old me. I remember not being able to tell if she was a boy or a girl and what the dynamic of her relationship with Neptune was other than that it felt familiar.

What can you tell us about these five memes?
They all relate to gay sex so obviously I’m a pervert. I’m not sure if I can explain them. I mean, the Jasmine Masters one is funny to me because I tried to fuck myself with a shampoo bottle when I was in middle school and exploring. I know I’m not the only fag to try that. Can you imagine if I had succeeded?! Lol! It was relatable.

Who are your favourite meme profiles on Instagram?
Number one would be Latin_Tony. I also really like pubity and osamaswegladen.

What does the colour pink mean to you?
Pink is my small act of subversion. Men really get bent out of shape over it. This guy at my corner bodega in Brooklyn had a meltdown when the cashier handed him a pink lighter. Like full blown screaming over being handed a $1 pink lighter. Yelling and screaming about how he’s a man so he needs a blue one. Like, WTF?!
I’m a big beefy man of color and when I wear it, it softens me up to the suburban white women I’m surrounded by now living in Nebraska. They’re not so quick to grab their Michael Kors purses when I get in line behind them at Chipotle.

Tell us about your days as a gogo dancer…
I gogo’d primarily for Matt Knife‘s ‘Homo Erectus’ at The Stonewall Inn but I also danced at The Slipper Room, Parkside Lounge and The Eagle. Mostly burlesque shows. The mainstream gay clubs never wanted me. I wasn’t ripped and I danced too feminine. I liked incorporating ballet, modern dance and vogue into my sets. Burlesque crowds enjoyed that about me so I ran with it.

And you do drag now?
No. It’s too expensive and there’s so much mania and attention on getting on Drag Race or winning a crown rather than queer self expression.

Finally, what is your favourite Mariah song?
‘Heartbreaker’! This is my favourite Mariah era! It’s a great beat and the chorus is so fun to sing. Er…is the remix with Jay-Z or did it always feature him?

Follow Dream Daddy on Instagram.