Cachorro comes to Barcelona!

Cachorro Lozano, is a bona fide regular round these parts now. But sadly Loverboy is still yet to meet the puppy face-to-face. One day, it will happen. In the meantime, he’s headed for Barcelona with his new exhibition, What A Gay Day To Be Alive. So we thought we’d catch up with him and find out more.

So, why are you coming back to Barcelona?
Barcelona is the city of my dreams. It’s vibrating, modern, full of sexy guys, and on the coast, something Madrid lacks. I come from the Basque Country and one of the things I miss the most is the sea and the calm it gives you. Also, there’s a very powerful and interesting queer scene in this city…and have you ever realised how many sexy guys are here in Barcelona?!

Where are you having the exhibition?
I’m having the exhibition at the Haimney Gallery, a new art space here in Barcelona. I was coming for a holiday and a friend we had in common suggested we do something together. So we are!

How did you come up with the title, What A Gay Day To Be Alive?
It all started as a T-shirt that I created for this year’s Pride. It kind of sums up how I feel right now, thinking about the last three years. So I thought, ‘How about doing an exhibition using this as a title?’ And here we are in Barcelona. I feel positive, joyful, super gay. Haha.

Is this all new work that you’ll be exhibiting?
Some of it. It’s a compilation of my work from the last three years. Some pieces have already been published but many of them haven’t. It’s been three very gay years of work!

Who has been modelling for you?
Over the last three years many boys have modelled for me. Many have been lovers, but also many have been boys from my imagination that I’ve drawn and idealised. Everything is an inspiration. I’ve started doing commissioned portraits and drawings, so it’s a totally different point of view.

Who has influenced you?
Everyday experiences, spirituality, amateur porn, Madonna, Warhol, Genet, Basquiat, Lorca, Picasso. To name a few…

What is it about nudes that appeals to you the most?
Being nude can mean many things. It means being at your most vulnerable or at your most powerful stage. That is also a contrast I like to explore. Skin can say so much, bodies are so complex. I honestly think we spend so little time appreciating bodies.

Can you tell us a little about your drawing style?
I think it speaks for itself. It’s raw. It’s crude. It’s childish. But at the same time the contents are super sexual, very intense. There is a lot of contrast in my life and therefore, in my art.

You’ll be DJing at PopAir after the opening. What’s your favourite song to play?
‘Always on my Mind’ by The Pet Shop Boys. WITHOUT A DOUBT.

What are you working on next?
I’m traveling to Mallorca for a new exhibition and…. I’m creating a jewellery line based on my drawings!

What else do you do apart from Art?
I breathe. And survive. Which, believe me it’s enough. Haha. But I organise parties in Madrid. I’m also traveling to Mallorca for a new exhibition and I’m creating a jewellery line based on my drawings! Oh, and I’m working on my first song with a Argentinian producer called Fumadora Social. It’s awesome.

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Photo by Alejandria Cinque