Love Is…David Ferreira

When you talk we listen. A few days ago we posted a photo of Artistic Director and super Stylist, David that defined the word EVERYTHING. You guys were not just Liking it…you were LOVING that shit. So anyway we thought we’d reach out to Mr Ferreira and find out a bit more about him. His semi naked selfie doesn’t quite fit our guidelines – how did he take it? But presto with a flash of pube all is forgiven.

Which Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle did you want to be?
When I was a child, I wanted to be Donatello for two reasons. First, the purple mask was definitely the cutest one! The second because I thought the mix between super smart guy and muscle ninja was kinda hot. Now I realize I totally became Michelangelo, the one who lives for his friends and pizzas!

It’s our first date where are we going?
The first date is very important! I like to feel comfortable and I want my date to feel the same. So I think that a bar with nice cocktails, where you can talk, have a little snack and dance a bit is perfect. In Paris, there is a Brazilian bar named Candelaria, which is great for that! If the date goes well, you can kiss on the charming streets of the Marai area. It’s my kinky romantic way to say « good night ».

What underwear do you wear?
I like to wear mini underpants that I buy at the turkish shop across the street from my house. But most of the day i wear speedos…I’m always ready for a pool party! Ok let’s be honest, i never wear anything at pool parties 😉

If you got arrested for stalking someone who would it be?
AHAHAHA! The real question is not who I’d be stalking but who I’d want to be in jail with! I pick Hugh Jackman, Trent Reznor and Gerard Butler, one bed is enough, thanks!

Which song do you wish you could hear again for the first time?
This is a very difficult question coz music means so much to me. I can’t spend more than an hour without listening to music! If I had to choose one, it would be M.I.A’s « Bucky done gun ». I was in L.A, 8 years ago, in a car, the sun was setting, and I listened to that song. I was shocked and excited. My ex husband said « What the fuck is that noise ?» I answered « The futur ».

What is the most expensive item of clothing in your wardrobe?
My work as artistic director and stylist teach me how to get WOWness with a low budget, and so most of the time I don’t spend more than 50€ for a item. But sometimes it’s a « coup de foudre » and I just can’t resist! My most expensive item is probably my Starstyling handmade super big shirt. This designers are crazy and I could buy everything from their shop!